The Ultimate Guide To Running A Successful Blog And Earning A Living Online

The Ultimate Guide To Running A Successful Blog And Earning A Living Online

You’ve probably heard about people earning a living by writing interesting and informative blog posts recently. This guide will give you the lowdown on how to do it, and it will also highlight the best techniques and methods. At the end of the day, you don’t have to be the best writer in the world. So long as you take the right approach and come up with the best concept, you could leave your day job and concentrate on the task full time. Of course, there are many different paths you could walk. The one discussed on this page is just the most popular. You should go about things in any way you see fit based on information and advice you receive.

Create a blog using a free platform

There are lots of free blogging platforms available online. You should select one, create a simple blog, and start publishing posts. You’re doing that to gain some experience and judge the response you receive. You can move to creating a proper website at a later stage. At the moment, all you have to worry about is working out whether or not your concept is appealing to other internet users. Maybe you want to write about sports news or something similar? Publishing a few posts to test the water will give you an insight into what your readers expect.

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Place advertising on your blog

Google Adsense works with most of the free blogging platforms. So, there is nothing stopping you from getting some banners on there from day one. Doing that should give you a basic idea of how much you could earn with decent traffic levels. In truth, you’re not going to make enough to pay your bills until you pay for a professional company to design an original site for your material. However, you might create a small income stream that could encourage you to keep working on the idea.

Learn from the comments on your articles

With a bit of luck, people should start to comment on your articles from the moment they are published. The comments are a good way of judging how well your piece is written and received. If people are complaining about the format of your blog, you should change it immediately. If some comments mention the quality of your text, it might be time to improve your grammar skills. When all’s said and done, a lot of people spend time reading articles online every single day. So, you just need to capture their imagination and provide excellent content if you want them to come back for more. Also, good content is often shared across social media websites, and that means you will notice a spike in traffic whenever you publish something fantastic.

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Create your professional blog

Now you have learned a little about the response you receive from posts; it might be time to pay for the design of a professional website. That will allow you to earn more money from Adsense, and it will also help to encourage unique visits. People are much more likely to click blog posts that are not published using free platforms like Blogger. You should aim to ensure the design of your website accurately reflects the message you want to put across. Using the sports news example again, it would make sense for you to include images and gifs associated with that subject.

Pay for SEO and CRO

Search engine optimisation and conversion rate optimisation are essential if you want the highest levels of traffic possible. The latter will also help you to sell any products you might want to provide to your readers. Advertising is not the only way in which bloggers make their living. Sometimes it makes sense to offer people a little something extra. Many bloggers design t-shirts and similar items that can be purchased through their website. It’s all about branding at the end of the day.

Use Facebook Ads to promote posts

Opening social media pages for your blog is a good idea if you want to gain more attention online. Doing so will also allow you to use the advertising service provided by Facebook. For a small investment, you can boost any posts that link to your website to thousands of people online. So long as you know a little about the internet users who find your blog interesting, you can target your promotional efforts accordingly. You will want to determine which age group and which sex is most likely to enjoy reading at the very least. However, you can also target your efforts based on location, interests, and more.

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Network with other bloggers

Once you have started to make a name for yourself online, other bloggers will get in touch offering link exchanges. If you can get your site featured on other top blogs, you will encourage even more people to click the links and take a read. Networking is important in the blogging world because many readers are scattered all over the planet. So, sharing them between yourselves is always a wise move.

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Live off your earnings

So long as you have followed this guide to the letter, you should be in the perfect position to earn a good wage from your blog. There are currently thousands of people around the world doing that, and so you are in good company. Indeed, some of the most prominent bloggers live the high life these days thanks to the level of income their websites create. It’s all about staying focused and finding the motivation to write at a time when you are not earning a penny. You might have to publish hundreds of posts before you notice any positive results, but you need to stick with it to succeed.

We hope you are now ready to write your first blog post and showcase your talents to the world. If you need any more guidance when it comes to creative writing, there is a wealth of free information online. You should read through it or book a place on a course at your local college.

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D. Jessica

D. Jessica is a mum to two sweet little boys. She hoards children's books and sunglasses, and is a sucker for anything bright and shiny.

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